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Locker Room Set Up/Take Down

Set Up:

  1. Remove all stored items from 3 & 4.
  2. Sweep and mop mats
  3. Wash out garbage cans, let dry and put in bags.
  4. Arrange seating between all locker rooms
  5. Wash down chairs/seating

Take Down:

  1. Locker Rooms 3 & 4 (SHL storage)
    1. Load neatly with all SHL storage needs.
    2. No gas cans or gas in machines.
    3. Do not block thermostats.
    4. Lock SHL padlocks (county has keys)
  2. Locker Room 1 & 2
    1. Wash down all chairs/seating
    2. Clean Garbage Cans - put in new bags
    3. Mop floors
    4. Wash / Clean walls where needed.
    5. Store extra blue chairs here.
  3. Locker room hallway:
    1. Mop floors
    2. Clean bubbler